Feb 23, 2015

Murasancode: Sunday Mass presided by Fr. Suresh Raj - 22/02/15

MURASANCODE PARISH: Palayam Annainager: Sunday Mass presided by Fr. Su...

MURASANCODE PARISH: Palayam Annainager: Sunday Mass presided by Fr. Su...

Palayam Annainager: Sunday Mass presided by Fr. Suresh Raj, the Assistant Parish Priest, and preached by Deacon Southern Star, in front of the three years old thatched Catholic Church of Annai Vailankanni, a substation of Murasancode Parish, Diocese of Kottar, Tamil Nadu, India, which was set fire by miscreants at night 11 on 21 Saturday Feb 2015 - 22/02/15

MURASANCODE PARISH: Palayam Annainager: A three years old thatched Cat...

MURASANCODE PARISH: Palayam Annainager: A three years old thatched Cat...

Palayam Annainager: A three years old thatched Catholic Church of Annai Vailankanni, a substation of Murasancode Parish, Diocese of Kottar, Tamil Nadu, India was set fire by miscreants at night 11 on 21 Saturday Feb 2015